AppSense AM - How to Disable an exe via Computer AD Group Membership (PowerShell Scripted Rule)
The Script below can be used within AppSense Application Manager to check if the local machine is a member of a specific group. This can...
AppSense DesktopNow - Windows Server 2012 Pre-requisites using PowerShell
Below I have detailed the commands to install the DesktopNow prereqs for Windows Server 2012. The .NET Framework 3.5 isn’t part of the...
PowerShell Script to get Current User SID
Script below to get the CU SID and save it to an environment variable called USERSID. #--------------------------------------------------...
AppSense DesktopNow 8.x Agents Silent Install
If you need to install the AppSense agents as part of a sequence or other silent install, the commands below should assist. Replace <URL>...